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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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The Norwegian Viking Rune Gjeldnes arrived Terra Nova at 02.00 CET today – The world`s longest ski tour ever is completed!

The expedition The Longest March is completed. By crossing Antarctica unsupported in 2005-2006 on ski, Rune achieved a new world record. This is considered to be the world`s longest ski tour ever. Rune marched 4804 kilometres in 90 days. He is also the first person to ski unsupported across both the poles! Rune crossed the Arctic Ocean, from Severnaya Zemlya in Russia via the North Pole to Cape Discovery in Canada in the year 2000, and now he succeeded to cross the Antarctic continent from Queen Mauds Land via the South Pole to Victoria Land. In addition Rune skied across Greenland lengthways from Cap Farewell to Cap Morris Jessup in 1996. With that, Rune has completed the gruelling explorers Grand Slam - skiing unsupported across the three largest ice caps in the world!
Photo. Rune from Nordmøre in Norway (34 years old) celebrates his success of The Longest March. He made it without resupplies.
© SEAL Adventure ANS & Rune Gjeldnes: Extreme Planet - Seal .

The previous record for the world`s longest ski tour, was held by Eirik Sønneland and Rolf Bae, who skied 3800 kilometres across Antarctica in 2000 - 2001. There are many days since Rune broke this record, and now he finally reached his final target.

This was a hell of a job. Everything went fine during the tour except from especially one day. It was pretty dramatic this day - on the 79th day (20.01.2006 ). One ski was left and Rune was in trouble! He lost one of the skies during kiting (source: from report on his website: Extreme Planet - Seal). Fortunately he had one pair of extra skies. During his tour the temperature fall sometimes down to 40 minus. It made it diffucult for Rune to change clothes.

Reported from Rune`s website, it was also dramatic in his second last day on the tour: "The scenery from the mountain ridge was fantastic, with the ocean on one side and Mt. Melbourne (2732) on the other side. The path on the ridge of the Northern Foothills was a little more dangerous than anticipated, with slippery surface and steep sides. The sled slipped several times; hanging in the sled ropes 90 degrees to one of the sides". It was extremely hard for him, but also here he managed to cope with the difficult terrain, and covered 11 kilometres this day.

Photo. Rune is near his final target. He is a real "ice-breaker". No glacier peaks, extreme whether, loosing of skies or frozen feet could stop him!
© SEAL Adventure ANS & Rune Gjeldnes: Extreme Planet - Seal.

Rune have now completed the Polar Tripple:

  • Across Greenland in 1996, 2895 kilometres in 86 days.
  • Across Arctic Ocean in 2000, 2100 kilometres in 109 days.
  • Across Antarctica in 2005-2006, 4804 kilometres in 90 days.

Congratulation Rune! You have made it! It has been interesting and exciting to follow your tour across the ice landscape. Your over 3 year project has been rewarded with complete success.

I just wonder: who will be able to do this after Rune? Will he ever be beaten? Perhaps if someone would like to have the pleasure of returning and marching the same distance back again.

Stein Morten Lund, 3 February 2006

Additional information
Ousland skied 2845 kilometres across Antarctica alone and unsupported in 1996 - 97. At the time, the longest ski expedition in distance was covered.

Before Rune broke the record on his current expedition The Longest March, the previous record was held by Eirik Sønneland and Rolf Bae, who skied 3800 kilometres across Antarctica in 2000 - 2001.

On his expedition, the Longest March, Rune reached the Geographical South Pole the 20th December 2005 at 12.46 GMT. At this time Rune covered 2200 kilometres alone and without resupplies during his 45 days in Antarctica. This is his first expedition to the South Pole.

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