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All the world’s animals and plants on the net

A scientific database about the world's animals and plants is established on Internet. The database is a result of cooperation between 32 countries and several environment organisations.
This becomes a reality after 5 year with negotiations and planning. The name of the database is the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). This database is launched on the website address: http://www.gbif.org/).

The vision is to be an interoperable network of biodiversity databases and information technology tools. This will enable users to find and use the world's vast quantities of biodiversity information to produce national economic, environmental and social benefits.

Approximately 1,8 millions species are so far been registered and have been given scientific names. As you can see, the world is bigger than you believe!

Photo: Exciting animals. Are you interested to know more?

GBIF provides useful background information for travel explorers. According to GBIF, work will be done in close co-operation with established programmes and organisations that compile, maintain and use biological information resources. The participants, working through GBIF, will establish and support a distributed information system that will enable users to access and utilise vast quantities of new and existing biodiversity information to generate new knowledge, wealth and ecological sustainability. It will be interesting to learn more about the world before we start our journeys.

Stein Morten Lund, 7 December 2000

Additional information Read more about the interoperable network and its services: http://www.gbif.org/
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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