Photo. Cecilie Skog on top the of Antarctica -
Mount Vinson, together with her boyfriend Rolf Bae. Photo Copyright Cecilie
Skog`s website:
At the same day they reached the
top, on 9th January 2006, they celebrated Rolf`s 31st birthday.
Mount Vinson is located in Antarctica, which is the Earth's 5th largest
continent. The continent measuring 14 million square kilometres (5.4 million
square miles). The ice sheet that covers almost all of Antarctica is the largest
body of fresh water on earth, containing about 90% of the world's ice and 68% of
the fresh water.
According to the website 7summits (, 147 persons,
among them 17 are women, have reached all the seven listed summits.
Cecilie`s next challenge, and the last of her seven summits, is Carstensz Pyramid Punkak
Jaya. This mountain is located in Irian Jaya (or officially called
West Papua since 2000) in Indonesia. and is 4,884 meters high. It was
first climbed by Harrer, Temple, Kippax and Huizenga in 1962. Heinrich Harrer is
known from his "7years in Tibet".
As the website 7summits writes, is technically the hardest of the 7
summits. Although Dick Bass climbed Kosciuszko as the last of his 7 summits
quest, this is in fact the highest mountain of the oceanic continent, but the
discussion is still going on.
So hopefully Cecilie Skog will make it
too very soon!
Stein Morten Lund, 6 February 2006
Additional information
West Papua is one of the world`s
last frontiers. West Papua covers the western half of the large
island well known as New Guinea. This part of the island belongs
to Indonesia, and borders on the Moluccas in the West, and Papua New Guinea
in the East and Australia in the South. West Papua is officially known as Irian
Jaya. No less than 85% of the island is covered by rainforest, much if it
primary and untouched by humans.
Tilleggsinformasjon på norsk
Jaya er med sine 4884 m.o.h det høyeste fjellet på det 7. kontinentet, Oceania.
Fjellet ligger midt i jungelen i Iran Jaya, vest på øya Ny Guinea, rett nord for
Australia. Normalveien inn til fjellet følger en 100 km lang vei gjennom jungel
og regnskog og tar normalt 4-5 dager å gjennomføre.
Fjellet regnes som det teknisk mest krevende av de 7 fjellene som utgjør "the
7 summits" (vanskelighetsgrad 5+ i enkelte partier), men er ikke like fysisk
krevende som de andre 7 da det er det laveste av dem.
I følge nettstedet har totalt 147 personer,
hvorav 17 kvinner, gjennomført "the 7 summits".