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Cao Dai Temple at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - an otherworldly experience

Cao Dai Temple at Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

About 90 km northwest of the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City, nestled in the heart of Tay Ninh, stands one of Vietnam’s most captivated spiritual landmarks - the Cao Dai Temple. There I observed hundreds of worshipers conducted strange rituals – without having a clue of what was going on. 

Photo. Cao Dai Temple at Ho Chi Minh City - strange place where I took a step into the otherworld. © Travel Explorations.

The worshipers faith is based on a vision of global spiritual unity, incorporating elements of mysticism, philosophy, and tradition. Their God is represented by the Divine Eye, symbolising divine wisdom and presence. The goal is to purify the soul, escape the cycle of rebirth, and unite with God. A kaleidoscope of colours, symbolism, and mysticism, this temple is the beating heart of Caodaism, a unique religion that blends elements of Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and even Christianity. 

Founded in 1926, Caodaism is a relatively young faith, yet its elaborate rituals and strikingly ornate temple make it feel as if it has existed for centuries. The temple features large dragon sculptures around pillars, murals on the ceilings, and a depiction of an eye overseeing the interior. 

I become especially fascinated by the temple’s surreal beauty. In addition, its ceremonies, featuring devotees dressed in vibrant robes of white, red, blue, and yellow, brought life to the place. The colour-codes on the robes means: 

  • White – represents purity and Buddhism
  • Red – represents Confucianism
  • Blue – represents Taoism

The faith emphasises compassion, non-violence, and simplicity. Followers follow vegetarianism - either full-time or during certain periods. They aim to balance life through prayer, meditation, and good deeds. The rituals involve chanting, music, and synchronised movements, creating a mystical and captivating atmosphere.

My visit to the Cao Dai Temple was not just a glimpse into an unusual belief system, but an otherworldly experience - where sacred chants echo through the halls, incense thickens the air, and a mix of spiritual traditions coexists in harmony. 

Stein Morten Lund, 9th March 2025

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