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Here we present the world`s biggest mysteries. Humans` search lead to the most amazing experiences, explorations and discoveries.

Atlantis found "again"! Watch the documentaries from National Geographic and BBC!

Explorers searching for Atlantis have previously focused on the Mediterranean Sea as well as the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. The lost city has been "found" many times through years. Watch the documentaries from National Geographic and BBC and make up your own mind about what is true.

Photo. The main island of Santorino. © Travel Explorations.

Read more and watch the documentaries by clicking the following links:

BBC documentary about Atlantis

National Geographic documentary about Atlantis

Plato`s island of Atlantis
For full text about what Plato wrote about Atlantis, see information on the website Theoi Project.

Read the articles in two parts on our website TravelExplorations: Santorino -The truth is out there! This Creek island Santorino is very beautiful, but it`s more than a paradise for sun and beach loving tourists. It has probably a history that is related to a great story in the bible or maybe more. Remains of the lost Atlantis? Origin for god and the bible?

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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