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Animal mystery - why do certain predators live in harmony?

Crocs and hippos are best friends. They swim together in waterholes and rivers in Africa. The crocodiles are beef eating and the hippopotamus are vegetarian herb eating. Fully adult crocs evens don't touch baby hippos. This is amazing!
How it is possible? Antelopes, buffaloes, warthogs, baboons and birds need to drink. The heat is unbearable, and the water keeps them alive. But the waterholes can also mean the death. Any animal that moves to near the rulers of the water will be a potential prey. Few of the hungry and thirsty animals will be quick enough to run away if the crocs should do an attempt. Their destinies are outlined....

Photo: Crocs and hippos. Predators, but friends? The most animal are smart enough to drink from shallow water where the crocs cannot hide. Of course they do anything to avoid falling in to a crocs big jaw. But many regions in Africa are so dry that animals don't have any other options. Many times during a day there are new dramas. The episodes are hard and brutal. There are no mercy and it usually ends with a deadly outcome. The strongest survives. This is the law of the jungle.

But for two species of predators they seems to still live friendly side by side, crocs and hippos. Is it mutual respect? Does it have something with that the crocs eat beef and the hippos eat herbs? Hippos are just eating herbs anyhow hungry they are. In accordance to statistics they are guilty of causing most people deaths around in Africa. No other animal has killed so people many people as the hippos. Their sight is not good, but anyway they are a big treat for people who come too near them.

For me it is still a mystery how crocs and hippos can stand each other, and I wonder about that some of our readers can explain it. We will appreciate to hear others views about this incredible phenomenon.

Stein Morten Lund, 30 September 2000
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

See the video HERE

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