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Party Life
Here we present unique experiences from the wild partylife around the world.

Ready for mixing whisky, music, food and fun in the Malt Whisky Country - Scotland?

Then you should go to the Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival. This celebration of Scotland`s national product has become an established fixture on Scotland's tourism calendar. Now you have the chance to lift yourselv up to great heights by participating from 30th April to the 3rd of May 2004. What a social happening where you really can join hands!
With a packed programme of events from 30th April to the 3rd of May 2004, you will fully experience the famous "Whisky effect". The Festival reflects the rich heritage of whisky-making which is an integral part of the lives of the Speyside communities.

The Ancient Celts called the strong liquid they produced for "uisge beatha" - "the water of life". During years the Scots have perfected the way of distillation. 

Smell and taste! On this festival you are going to meet all the Whisky experts and they are keen to guide you around. Here you can get the best advice how to drink "the water of life"; Whisky!

The valley which the river Spey floats through, is crowded with destillers. Here you can experience Scotland's Malt Whisky Trail, and see the famous Scotch Whisky distillers including Glenfiddich, Cardhu, Glenlivet and many more. You can also visit the famous Johnstons cashmere centre.

For they who want more activity in addition to tasting Whisky, there is also sailing and water sports, golf in Scotland, fishing, skiing and winter sports, walking and cycling in Speyside and the Speyside Way, and see the famous Moray Firth dolphins.

Why not try WHISKY GOLF? With liquid support, you will be an excellent GOLFER too! Perhaps you hit the hole for once sake?

Stein Morten Lund, 25 April 2004

Additional information
If you are looking for accommodation in the area whilst visiting the festival you can book accomodations on the email: enquiries@spiritofspeyside.com.

Next year's festival from 29th April to 2nd May 2005 will be even bigger and better, according to the festival comitee, so don`t forget to put these dates in your diary!

For more information, click on the link: www.spiritofspeyside.com

Getting there:
British Airways
Aberdeen 4x4 Self Drive
Highlands & Islands Airports

Speyside Cooperage
Glen Moray
Discovering Distilleries
Scotch Whisky Net

Other useful links:
Scotch Malt Whisky Society
Scotch Whisky Association
Heritage Centre
Tourist Board
Whisky Magazine
Royalmile Whiskies
Bozo's Whisky
Alternative Whisky Academy
The Keith and Dufftown Railway
The Malt Whisky Trail
Local attractions and information:
Speyside Cooperage
Moray Leisure Centre
Johnstons Cashmere
Baxters Highland Village
The Moray Council
Duff House
Ballindalloch Castle
The Buckie Drifter

Links for more information about Scotch Whisky:


The Scotch Whisky Association: www.scotch-whisky.org.uk


Scotch Whisky Net: www.scotchwhisky.net


Undiscovered Scotland: www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk


Scottish Tourist Board: www.visitscotland.com


Caithness Community Website: www.caithness.org


Dumfries and Galloway: www.dumfries-and-galloway.co.uk


Edinburgh Guide: www.edinburghguide.com


Aberdeen & Grampian Tourist Board: www.agtb.org




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