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Here we present the world`s biggest mysteries. Humans` search lead to the most amazing experiences, explorations and discoveries.

Giza, Egypt - New pyramid found near the big Pyramid!

Scientists found a pyramid buried under Egypt's sand. It`s a amazing hidden tresaure that hopefully will reveal more of the ancient history in the country.
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Photo. The gigant pyramid of Giza, Egypt. Britt Myhrer og Steinar Nyhus.

Scientists digging in Egypt recently uncovered a big surprise--a pyramid! They found the ancient building buried under 65 feet of sand. The pyramid is in Saqqara. That village is the site of an ancient burial place where other pyramids have been found.

There was so much sand dumped here that no one had any idea there was something buried underneath.

Stein Morten Lund, 12 January 2010

Additional information
Secrets of the Ancient World:
National Geographic offer on its website an interactive adventure to explore the pyramids in Egypt:
Kings of the Dead,Tombs Fit for Kings, Who Built the Pyramids?

During Egypt's Old Kingdom (time line), the pharaohs established a stable central government in the fertile Nile Valley. Perhaps the greatest testaments to their power were the pyramids and other tombs built to shelter them in the afterlife.

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in Papua New Guinea

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