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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

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Cecilie Skog and Ryan Waters successfully crossed Antarctica!

Today 21st January 2010 new polar history was written. Nearly a century after Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole in 1911, the Norwegian female Cecilie Skog, 35, and the American man Ryan Waters, 36, reached Ross Ice Shelf and made the first unassisted crossing of Antarctica.
Cecilie Skog,Ryan Waters,AntarcticaPhoto. Cecilie Skog and Ryan Waters successfully crossed Antarctica! © Cecilie Skog and Ryan Waters (ExplorersWeb.com).

Previous crossings have Arriving at the Ross Ice Shelf used wind power to ski-sail across the earth’s southernmost continent. By using only their own human power, the pair have written a new chapter in Antarctic history.

Cecilie Skog, the only woman to summit Everest, K2 and skied to both poles, both unassisted and unsupported, thus realized and old dream of her late husband Rolf Bae, whom she lost on K2 last year.

Veteran mountaineer Ryan Waters in turn has accomplished a spectacular polar achievement.

Tom Sjøgren at Explorersweb.com (www.explorersweb.com) made the following comment about the successfull expedition: "The first unassisted and unsupported expedition to cross Antarctica. Unassisted and unsupported is the highest form of self-reliance. A "raw" crossing like this has only been done once before across the Arctic Ocean by Rune Gjeldnes and Torry Larsen, and never on Antarctica."

Stein Morten Lund, 21 January 2010

Additional informaiton Read more about Cecilie Skog and her expeditions on our global travelguide: www.travelexplorations.com

VG`s website (Cecilie`s expedition blog): http://cecilieskog.vgb.no/ The goal is achieved and we are so happy!

Cecilie Skog`s website: www.cecilieskog.com

Newsarticle on ExplorersWeb: http://www.thepoles.com/news.php?id=19068
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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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