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Here we present the most exciting expeditions and unique journeys. The world is growing smaller, but it is bigger than you think. Some people visualize the opportunities for others, and make our lives exciting to live.

View the world with no secrets: you can consider it in two ways: both as a threat and a opportunity. Some ways people live their lifes will surprise you...

Best of ExplorersWeb 2009 Awards!

ExplorersWeb has covered hundreds of expeditions in 2009. "It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare," said Mark Twain once. As the editor in ExplorersWeb writes 23rd December 2009: You might be surprised to find this quote in a place covering hard adventure. Yet real explorers know that true heroes own the full spectrum of guts. Who will be awarded this year?

According to ExplorersWeb (www.ExplorersWeb.com) it's difficult to choose the best, as they all contributed in their own way, sharing their story - their very soul in fact - with ExplorersWeb and the world.

ExplorersWeb has chosen 8 expeditions who have contributed in an extraordinary way to the Spirit of Adventure in 2009.

By their performance, these expeditions have proved themselves outstanding in all or most of the following:

- Courage
- Determination
- Persistence
- Self reliance
- Ingenuity
- Pioneering
- Idealism
- Comradeship
- Compassion
- Respect towards competition
- Honesty

Who will be awarded for the 2009 expeditions?

Read more on ExplorersWeb`s website: The Poles - Awards 2009

Stein Morten Lund, 24 January 2010

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Meeting the Mudmen
in Papua New Guinea

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